Dead Son Rising

Studio Album by released in 2011
Dead Son Rising's tracklist:
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Big Noise Transmission
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Dead Sun Rising
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When the Sky Bleeds, He Will Come
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For the Rest of My Life
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Not the Love We Dream Of
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The Fall
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We Are the Lost
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For the Rest of My Life (reprise)
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Into Battle
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Not the Love We Dream Of (piano version)
Low Quality 128Kb Low Quality 128Kb

Dead Son Rising review

Keep you head above the waters of time

It hurts to know that a great many fans of industrial electronic music may not have an idea of what and who Gary Numan is. This man made the genre a commercial trend practically all by himself, inspired and keeps inspiring scored of performers and tries to still make his own music. Yet the latter he does not as easily as before. Human’s golden time, the eighties, now look a very distant world from here, while the musician’s attempt to settle down in the reality of the contemporary music market can’t be called extremely successful. This is an industry where even most deserved people may be left without attention if there are only past credits that they can offer. With his first in five years album, Gary once more tries to remind the audience of what he used be and what he wants to remain in the history of electronica. Compared to his latest works, Dead Son Rising looks pretty much ok.

Teacher being taught

Once an inspirer for each and every one, Numan today seems to be the one who needs inspiration. Not long ago, Nine Inch Nails adopted Gary for their touring, and it looks like they have produced the strongest of possible impressions on him. So if you are a fan of the established ensemble you are sure to like Dead Son Rising. It is not the vocals or the degree of extremeness, but the special effects approach and rhythmic patterns that display a great degree of resemblance. The set’s most apparent highlights are hard and heavy Big Noise Transmission, and The Fall. Modernized samples of Numan’s classic style, they are very dynamic and have synths sounding much like guitars and guitars sounding much like synths. The least intension and aggression are exposed in nto Battle, and Not The Love We Dream Of. They bring it back to mind that Numan favors half-gothic atmosphere and voice procession. Two other great songs, For The Rest Of My Life, and We Are The Lost, come to unite both of these opposite sides of the musician’s music. Moderate tempo, sophisticated percussion and a voice seemingly beyond the music do it well to create a specific surrealistic feeling.

Dead Son Rising is the best of Numan’s latest efforts

Dead Son Rising’s main problem is the ultimate absence of ovice является абсолютное отсутствие новизны, что особенно трудно принять, когда знаешь, что это альбом новатора. С интересными идеями у Нумана нынче не все в порядке. Новинка длится чуть более пятидесяти минут, но стоит учесть, что две из ее песен здесь представлены в двух вариантах. Это – точно не от хорошей творческой жизни. Пластинку спасает и, более того, делает привлекательной никуда не девшееся чувство стиля, которое никогда не подводило Гэри Нумана. Dead Son Rising – целостный альбом, который неотвратимо оставляет свой след. Это как снимок чьего-то воображения, как короткий яркий сон, в котором отчетливо видишь все детали. Впервые за много лет музыкант ухватился за некую идею или некое настроение, коим сумел придать осязаемость, форму и вес. Нуман, может, и не способен на новую революцию, но он, совершенно точно, доблестно служит тому делу, ради которой затеял первую.

Alex Bartholomew (20.12.2011)
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